“There have to be people who are vocal about the advancement of knowledge over faith.”
-Seth McFarlane

“I am an atheist. I regard religion with fear and suspicion. It’s not enough to say that I don’t believe in god. I actually regard the system as distressing. I am offended by some of the things in the bible and the koran and I refute them.”
-Emma Thompson


"I am not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance."

-John Stewart

“It’s a strange myth that atheists have nothing to live for. It’s the opposite. We have nothing to die for. We have everything to live for.”
-Ricky Gervais

If all atheists would come out of the closet, perhaps we

could end being governed

by fairy tales.

“I am not religious. I am an atheist, and a militant atheist when religion starts impacting on legislation.”
-Daniel Radcliffe

“Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. The grave will supply plenty of time for silence.”
-Christopher Hitchens

“I am an atheist, and that’s it. I believe there is nothing we can know except that we should be kind to each other and do what we can for each other.”
-Katharine Hepburn


Peter Millican

Ricky Gervais

Matt Dilahunty

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Sam Harris

George Carlin



"It never really occurred to me to believe in god."

-Sir David Attenborough


 “I believe in you and me. I believe in nature, the birds, the sea, the sky, in everything I can see and there is real evidence for. But I don’t believe in a personal god to whom I look for comfort.”
-Frank Sinatra


“Why am I an atheist? I ask you: Why is anybody not an atheist? Everyone starts out being an atheist. No one is born with belief in anything. Infants are atheists until they are indoctrinated. I resent anyone pushing their religion on me. I don’t push my atheism on anyone else. Live and let live. Not many people practice that when it comes to religion.”
-Andy Rooney


“For several years I maintained public relations with the almighty. But privately I ceased to associate with him.”
-Jean-Paul Sartre



Richard Dawkins

Dan Barker

Michael Shermer

Julie Sweeney

Bill Maher

Daniel Dennett


"I was brought up as an atheist and I have always remained so. But at no time was I led to believe that morality was unimportant or that good and bad did not exist. I believe passionately in the need to distinguish between right and wrong and am confounded by being told I need god, jesus, or a clergyman to help me do so."

-Nigella Lawson


We are firm believers that we don't need god in order to be a good person and do positive things for others.


"I'm not really an atheist so much as I am an anti-theist. I not only maintain that all religions are versions of the same untruth, but I hold that the influence of churches, and the effect of religious belief, is positively harmful."

-Christopher Hitchens


"When people tell me that god has blessed me with the gift of music, you're damned right I get offended. I did not practice for hours a day for 18 years to have my success attributed to a myth."

-Josh Groban



Atheism Defined
American Atheists
Pew Research Center: Facts About Atheists
Top Atheists in the World Today
Freedom From Religion

Celebrities Who Don't Believe in God
Patheos: The Free Thinker

New Yorker: Americans and Atheism

Infidels: The Secular Web
American Humanist Association
Richard Dawkins Foundation















Bill Maher

Sarah Silverman

Jon Stewart

Seth Andrews

Patton Oswalt

Larry King

Penn Jillette



“The question the missionaries asked me when they first arrived at my door really stuck in my head: Did I believe that god loved me with all his heart? I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about that question. If they'd asked me, Do you feel that god loves you with all his heart? Well, that would have been much different, and I think I would have instantly answered, "Yes, I feel it all the time. I feel god's love when I'm hurt and confused, and I feel consoled and cared for. I take shelter in god's love when I don't understand why tragedy hits, and I feel god's love when I look with gratitude at all the beauty I see." But since they asked me that question with the word believe in it, somehow it was all different, because I wasn't exactly sure if I believed what I so clearly felt.”
-Julia Sweeney


Atheism Defined
American Atheists
Pew Research Center: Facts About Atheists
Top Atheists in the World Today
Freedom From Religion

Celebrities Who Don't Believe in God
Patheos: The Free Thinker

New Yorker: Americans and Atheism

Infidels: The Secular Web
American Humanist Association
Richard Dawkins Foundation



“I don’t believe in the afterlife. I believe this is it. And I believe it’s the best way to live.”
-Natalie Portman


“I made a commitment to follow reason and evidence wherever they might lead, even if it meant taking me away from my cherished beliefs. I have to say that life has been much richer and happier since I was healed of religious delusion.”
-Dan Barker

“It’s not that I am an atheist. But rather that I am a member of God’s loyal opposition.”
-Ashleigh Brilliant

"I am an atheist. And I am not neutral about religion. I am decidedly hostile to it. I think it is a positively bad idea. Not just a false one. And I mean, not just organized religion, but religious belief itself."
-Christopher Hitchens



Bill Maher

Sarah Silverman

Jon Stewart

Seth Andrews

Patton Oswalt

Larry King

Penn Jillette

"I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other."

-Martin Luther

"Our substitute teacher asked me if I had jesus in my heart. I didn't try to explain to him the separation of church and state considering he couldn't even understand the separation of fact from fiction."

-Saffron Herndon


“As my ancestors are free from slavery, I am free from the slavery of religion.”
-Butterfly McQueen